§ 16-1. Open burning; permits.
Burning of trash, refuse, shavings, paper, leaves, litter or other material of any kind outside of any structure, or on or in any street, sidewalk, alley, lot or yard, within the fire limits of the city shall require a permit issued according to subsection (b) of this section. Permits for burning in these limits shall be refused unless consultation between the city manager and the fire chief takes place, and justification for the burning exists. No person shall kindle or maintain any bonfire, or shall knowingly furnish the material for any such fire, or authorize any such fire to be kindled or maintained on or in any street, avenue, road, lane or public ground or upon any private lot within the city limits unless a permit has been issued according to subsection (b) of this section.
Any burning listed in subsection (a) of this section shall require a burning permit. This permit shall be issued by the fire chief or his appointed representative and shall include the type of burning allowed and the date the burning will take place. This permit may be obtained at the fire department headquarters during normal office hours, except on holidays. The cost of this permit shall be payable to the city. Any intentional burning without such permit shall subject the responsible party to a fine. City law enforcement officers shall check burning sites for such permits. Permits are only valid for the dates shown and the type of burning described.
(Code 1952, ch. C, art. II, §§ 1—3)